BayScaping is landscaping that replaces grass with plants native to the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Native plants have deeper root systems that absorb more stormwater, reduce erosion, increase infiltration, and are more drought tolerant than turf grass or ornamental species. BayScaping also provides beneficial habitat for pollinators like butterflies and honey bees.
Compared to grass (far left), Native plants have deeper, denser root systems. (Source: Heidi Natura, Conservation Research INstitute)
BayScaping is practical nearly anywhere in your yard, but is preferred on slopes or in eroded areas where dirt, bare soil, and/or invasive plants could be replaced by native plants. BayScaping is designed to individual site characterisitics, factoring in topography, soils, drainage patters, and sun exposure.
Maintaining Your BayScaping
Watch the video series above to learn more about maintaining your BayScaping!
BayScaping projects need to be cared for, especially during the first two years following installation. Typical maintenance tasks include:
Watering plants regularly if there has not been a significant recent rainfall
Regularly weed, prune, and mulch the garden
Remove trash or other debris from the BayScaping
Monitoring the garden for signs of erosion, especially if the downspout is discharging to the garden